Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Life With Purpose.

The more I sit and wonder what life is all about I a seem get more questions than answers. Is this it? Am I doing it right? Am I following the correct path? It can be so overwhelming and frustrating to think about it.

The only people who have the right answers to any of my questions have passed on and can no longer give them to us. I also think no two lives are the same. So there answers would have no relevance to your questions. But, they could give you some good advice I am sure.   We are all unique in our own special way. How I perceive the value of life is going to be different than anyone else.  It doesn't make my definition any more correct than the next persons. I am so simple I'm complicated. I find the things I value most have no true price. It's about the small gestures for me at least.

The value of life for me is constantly reminding myself "it's okay let God take you where you need to go". It's as I said so simple it's complicated. Knowing your life has a purpose is the number one thing!! You matter because you were created!! The lives you touch and the interactions you have are a part of an even bigger purpose. It's okay to not know what your purpose is but, don't give up on it. One day someone will point it out to you and you will have your AHA moment. 

One life can't be summed up in a word or a smile or a net worth. It's a life.

My life is defined by the following: my friends and family, the mistakes I've made, what I've learned from them, the pain I've caused, the pain I've felt, the forgiveness I seek and have been granted, the love I give and receive, whether or not I have a good heart(I try to have a good heart in all I do), loyalty, doing the right thing even if it's not the popular thing, being a child of God  and never giving up on my purpose.

I am a fighter and am a driven little Italian. I am extremely stubborn but, I would give you the shirt off of my back if you need it.I have made my mistakes and am a better woman because of them. I know how precious a life is. I understand to not take it for granted. You only have on life. That's it no do over. 
I hate asking for help. The main person I ask for help is my silent partner upstairs! I trust him and any path he sends me on. There is a reason to his rhymes. Knowing this I take life as a marathon not a sprint. It will all work out how it's supposed to and that might not be the way you thought it was supposed to go. But, we don't see the whole picture. Find the things you find important that define your life and live it. Once you figure out those things you should have an idea on what your purpose is. If not don't worry because you my dear have a purpose! Your life has meaning. Your life is precious.  Just remember trust that God has you covered. He does:)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Not just for one day but everyday!

Someone once asked me "Do you not believe in love? Is that why you hate Valentines day?" I'm sure I said something witty had a giggle and went on my way. Boy, I wish I would have told them this which is the truth. No(person who will remain nameless), I do believe in love and that is why I hate Valentines Day. Hey don't get me wrong I love candy just as much as the next person. Maybe even more if its possible. But, I like my candy all year round. Not just once a year! So I guess I like my love like I love my candy not in a huge binge once a year but, rather even doses all year round.

I mean the question that was posed was so ridiculous. I mean how can you not believe in something that you see and feel on a daily basis from the people you surround yourself with? How many songs are about falling in love? Or falling out of love, missing the ones you love and even dreaming about an old love? Seems crazy not to believe such a thing exists. Love comes in all forms and it hits you in unexpected ways. Everyone experiences love. They give and they receive. The definition of love in the dictionary is: a profoundly tender, passionate affection for anotherperson. My personal definition however, is slightly different. Love: is going above and beyond expecting nothing in return. It is an emotion in which if you do not express it you will virtually explode or go emotionally insane. To love means never to judge, to hold someone up when they find the weight of the world on their shoulders because you feel that weight too and you are compelled to make the other person at ease while you take on their burden. Finally to love is to hold people close to your heart and forever in your thoughts.
I hope your starting to grasp why Valentines day doesn't mean anything to me. I choose not to enjoy this one day devoted to love because I love everyday! I tell my Family, my friends (who are family) and those I truly care about how much they mean to me. Not because once a year Feb 14th comes around and you are pressured to express your emotions in the heat of the day with fear of no cards in your mailbox or flower deliveries or sitting alone at a table set for two.

I choose to love 365 days a year not just one day. It is vitally important not only love other people but to love yourself as well. This world gets really hard sometimes and you can be surrounded by thousands of people and still feel lonely or not loved. Don't even think for a second you don't mean anything to someone. Because you do! It can just be difficult to see through the fog. So promise me you will open your eyes a little wider and your heart a little more and you will begin to see the love the world has for you..............

You, my dear are loved.